What is a Subpoena?

At Lotze Mosley, LLP, our criminal defense attorneys in Washington D.C. and Maryland explain to all our prospective clients that if law enforcement has secured a subpoena to compel them to submit to a deposition, testify at trial, or pursue evidence, partnering with a skilled lawyer is the best next step.

A subpoena is a formal court order requiring the individual to comply with certain instructions or face criminal charges and/or fines for failing to submit to the document’s requirements — or encounter additional penalties if they are already facing criminal charges.

There is nothing simple about the instructions outlined in a subpoena, which is why it is prudent to speak with a criminal defense attorney right away, to ensure you understand your rights, and that you fully comply with the order.

In some cases, a skilled criminal defense lawyer can also help you fight a subpoena when appropriate.

Here is what our clients need to know about the power of a subpoena.

What Does a Subpoena Require Me To Do?

Subpoenas can be issued in both civil and criminal cases and be ordered by both state and federal courts.

Subpoenas can require a person to appear for a deposition, testify in court, or present evidence outlined in the documents for review.

Some types of evidence frequently subpoenaed include:

  • Bank Records
  • Business Records
  • Computer Files and/or Downloaded Material
  • DNA or Blood Samples
  • Emails
  • Employee Records
  • Financial Documents
  • Income Tax Returns
  • Medical Bills and/or Insurance Records
  • Phone Records
  • Photographs
  • Text Messages

Whether your subpoena requires you to participate in a deposition, testify in court, or produce evidence, you are required to comply by law. It is highly advised that you partner with a skilled criminal defense lawyer to fully understand your legal duties and rights. Some limited legal tools may be available to suppress a subpoena, when applicable. However, if you must comply, your rights must be protected from the beginning.

Contact Our Criminal Defense Attorneys at Lotze Mosley Today for Help

If you have been served with a subpoena, contact our experienced criminal defense attorneys in Washington D.C. and Maryland at Lotze Mosley, LLP to ensure your rights are protected going forward by calling 202-393-0535 today.

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