The Risks of Drug or Alcohol Use During Probation or Parole

Our criminal defense attorney in Washington D.C. and Maryland at Lotze Mosley, LLP recently provided readers with an abridged outline of the differences between probation and parole.

Depending on the charges or convictions some offenders faced or endured, they may be required to abstain from drug or alcohol use as part of the terms of their probation or parole agreement with the courts.

To be clear, illegal drugs are always going to fall under the list of violations. However, certain medications and even alcohol can lead to significant risks that may lead to a probation or parole violation.

Here is how you can avoid those risks and stay on the right side of the law.

Ask Yourself: Is Abstaining from Drugs or Alcohol a Condition of My Probation or Parole?

It is important for a probationer or parolee to understand all the terms of their probation or parole agreement with the courts.

If you do not believe your terms include a segment that clearly states you must abstain from alcohol or drugs as part of your conditions, ask your drug crimes attorney or your probation or parole officer for clarification.

Chances are, if your charges were alcohol related, there is a clause in your paperwork that says you must avoid alcohol use throughout your probation or parole. The same applies to drug use. However, even when your charges or conviction were not related to either substance, your paperwork probably includes a section about avoiding both.

Typically, both probation and parole agreements require individuals to:

  • Secure appropriate housing.
  • Obtain / maintain employment.
  • Pay fines or restitution.
  • Attend classes or treatment programs.
  • See a probation or parole officer regularly.
  • Pass random drug and alcohol tests.

It is nearly impossible to predict when a random drug or alcohol test will occur, and non-compliance will put you at risk of violating the terms of your agreement with the court.

Complying with each of the terms outlined in your probation or parole agreement may be the difference between preserving your freedom or going to jail.

Ask yourself before using alcohol or drugs during your court-supervised period: Is it worth it? The answer is always going to be, “no.”

Contact Our Criminal Defense Attorneys at Lotze Mosley Today for Help

If you have been charged with violating your probation or parole for any reason, do not face the judge alone. Contact our experienced criminal defense attorneys in Washington D.C. and Maryland at Lotze Mosley, LLP to ensure your rights are protected going forward by calling 202-393-0535 today.

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