A Nebraska prosecutor recently revealed that a faulty breath-testing device used in more than 180 DUI and DWI defense cases may have produced tainted evidence against the individual defendants. These devices are ordinarily used to…
Starting October 1, 2015, U.S. banks are required to issue EMV cards to credit card and debit card users. EMV refers to the types of cards that use microchips instead of magnetic strips, in an…
Police in Washington D.C. recently arrested a man whose car collided with a Metrobus along the 11th Street bridge in Washington. The defendant, a 19-year old man, was charged with reckless driving and unauthorized use…
Recent rulings of the Federal Court of Appeals may significantly boost gun crimes defense as various parts of a D.C. gun permitting law have been struck down for impinging on the constitutional right to bear…
Maryland prosecutors have filed criminal charges against a male driver for allegedly causing the death of a passenger who rode his vehicle in a recent accident. The criminal complaint described the defendant’s vehicle as a…
In October 2014, The Supreme Court of the State of Washington came out with a decision that can strengthen the allegation of consent as a sex crimes defense. The case stemmed from a decision of a…
The United States Supreme Court recently ruled in favor of a listed company when it was charged with making untrue statements in connection with its public offering of shares of stock. This latest decision may…
Washington DC recently passed the “Sale of Synthetic Drugs Emergency Amendment Act of 2015” amid concerns about the safety of synthetic drug use. The new law punishes any business that sells synthetic versions of regulated…
Violent crimes appear to be steadily increasing in the District of Columbia as police report a total of 74 homicides from January to July of this year, up by 13.8% from the previous year’s tally…
Lotze Mosley is proud to announce Salah K. Harrell as the winner of their 1st Annual $1,000 Scholarship. The scholarship is available to deserving students entering Law School, and intended to help defray first-year expenses…