Maryland Authorities Arrest High School Teacher on Drug Charges

Police in Somerset County, Maryland announced last month that they had apprehended a 51-year-old high school teacher in connection with suspected drug crimes on a high school campus.

According to court documents, an officer was called to the high school in Crisfield, Maryland on September 23 after receiving a report that an employee of the school had drugs on the premises. Administrators allegedly informed officers that they had seen someone walk up to the teacher’s car and place a white substance on the center console, before storing the package in the glove compartment.

The suspect, who was immediately questioned by police, denied any illegal activity or involvement in illicit activity. However, police identified an envelope bulging from her pocket, which was filled with a white powder. Upon further testing, the powder was revealed to be that of Oxycodone, a schedule two narcotic, and Acetaminophen.

Officers confirmed that there were not any medicine bottles at the scene, and the suspect could not provide proof of prescription for either substance. The incident, along with a history of suspicious activity, led the school district to suspend the suspect without pay. She is expected to appear in Somerset County court later this month.

Criminal Defense in Washington, D.C., and Maryland

Being charged with a criminal offense in Maryland or Washington, D.C. is not something to be taken lightly. Depending on the nature of the crime, suspects in criminal cases can expect that police and prosecutors will go to whatever lengths necessary in order to secure a conviction.

However, criminal defense often brings with it a sense of uncertainty. That’s why it is so important to understand, not only the laws in your jurisdiction but how to find the appropriate legal resources as well.

Those who are suspected or accused of committing a criminal offense may face charges stemming from:

Depending on the situation, those charged with criminal offenses may be facing lengthy jail sentences, in addition to steep financial repercussions. In some cases, the prosecution may offer a plea bargain, or plea agreement, which can often reduce penalties in exchange for an admission of guilt.

However, not every case will result in a plea bargain. That’s why it is critical, if you are facing criminal charges, to enlist the wise counsel of a criminal defense attorney. Only an attorney qualified in this area of law can evaluate your individual situation and determine the best possible strategy towards resolution.

Criminal Defense Attorneys in Washington, D.C.

If you or someone you know has been accused of a criminal offense, or if you are facing charges stemming from criminal offenses, there are legal resources available to you throughout the Washington, D.C. metro area.

That’s where the highly skilled legal team at Lotze Mosley, LLP comes in. We know that mistakes happen, and they can sometimes be costly. However, everyone deserves to have their rights protected, even if a law has been broken. We will work with you to assess your charges, as well as the circumstances surrounding them, and devise a strategy that yields the most favorable result possible.

Our team’s experience, reputation, and dedication are virtually unparalleled in this area of law – let us work with you to find a resolution today.

To schedule an initial consultation to discuss your case with a member of our criminal defense team, contact the law office of Lotze Mosley, LLP at (202) 393-0535.

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