How to Protect Your Criminal Defense Case

At Lotze Mosley, LLP, our Maryland and Washington D.C. criminal defense attorney works tirelessly to build precise legal strategies that produce the best outcomes for our clients.

Whether it is a first-time DUI or a subsequent felony arrest, there are multiple ways our clients can help their cases too, so we are working in tandem to preserve their freedom.

Here are a few tips to maintain the integrity of your criminal case.

Criminal Defense Case

Do Not Break Any Laws or Violate the Court’s Orders

In some criminal cases, the individual who is facing legal consequences may be released from jail on bail while awaiting trial. If so, it is crucial to follow the terms of the release to the letter. Any violation of bail conditions can land the person in jail until the trial arrives. More importantly, it gives the judge a viable reason to view the defendant unfavorably — for violating his or her orders. Do not give the prosecution any reason to shine a negative light on your case.

Do Not Destroy Anything You Believe May Be Evidence

First things first: Destroying evidence is a crime. It is also hard to do. Deleting text messages, erasing voicemails, or throwing away something you believe might be evidence can be retrieved by law enforcement, thanks to technological advances. Again, do not give the prosecution more fuel for their case.

Steer Clear of Social Media

We cannot stress enough how important it is to refrain from using social media while your criminal case is active. Anything you say, type, or even pictures you are tagged in can be viewed subjectively. This means the prosecution may be able to see everything you are doing and present it in court. Any sign of drugs, alcohol, guns, or even being somewhere you should not be may harm your case.

Do Not Contact Witnesses, Accusers, or Other Parties Involved in the Case

If you have been accused of a crime and are awaiting your opportunity to tell your side of the story, allow your criminal defense attorney to represent you from the start. Do not attempt to contact an accuser, witness, or anyone else involved in the case. This can only harm your chances of getting a fair trial, as you may face an additional charge of intimidation or witness tampering.

Contact Our Skilled Criminal Defense Attorneys at Lotze Mosley, LLP.

If you have been accused of a crime, or arrested and charged with a crime in Washington D.C. or Maryland, contact our skilled criminal defense attorneys at Lotze Mosley, LLP by calling 202-393-0535. This will ensure your rights are protected from the beginning, so you can make informed decisions about your future.

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