Have You Been Charged with a Gun Crime?

Maryland and Washington D.C. legislators have made efforts to improve gun laws in their respective jurisdictions. Maryland’s new gun law turned a year old in October, and Washington D.C. has seen a reduction in violent crime, though its homicide rate remains at an increase ending 2013 with 104 homicides.

In an effort to deter gun crimes, legislators often pass strict laws aimed at preventing gun crimes from occurring. For example, last year, Maryland’s governor signed a bill that banned some, but not all, assault weapons and required gun buyers to submit to a background check with fingerprinting by Maryland State Police as well as four hours of gun safety training.

Gun charges can be brought against people who purchase a banned firearm or those who commit a crime(s) while armed with a gun. If you are charged with committing such a crime, you are entitled to legal representation.

What an Attorney Can Do for You

If you have been charged with a gun crime, it is imperative that you consult with an experienced criminal defense attorney before speaking to anyone, including the police.

Criminal defense attorneys who have handled many gun cases are familiar with how gun laws work and how gun cases are prosecuted. They will be able to adequately advise you on the best course of action for your specific situation.

The criminal attorneys here at Lotze Mosley have years of experience defending gun crimes in the Maryland and Washington D.C. area. Our professional legal team has secured many favorable verdicts and pleas for our clients, and we work tirelessly to ensure that your rights under the criminal justice system are upheld.

Free Consultation

If you have been charged with a gun crime and are in need of an attorney, Lotze Mosley offers an initial consultation at no cost. Working with one of our Washington, D.C. gun crime lawyers will be a step in the right direction and a good decision for your future.

For a consultation, we welcome your call to our office at 202-393-0535.

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