Dirt Bikers Protected under MPD “No-Chase” Mandate

A hot-button issue that has been receiving a lot of press in DC lately is the MPD’s strict “no-chase” policy which mandates that law enforcement officers are not permitted to chase dirt bikes, ATVs, and other off-roading vehicles in their vehicles on the roads of Washington DC.

Pursuing such vehicles on DC roads is a public safety issue. Attempting to chase such vehicles can result in injury to or even death of drivers, passengers, and pedestrians.

This was the case when less than 2 years ago, 17 year old Amir Brooks died during a high-speed police chase. Police suspected Mr. Brooks of being connected to an armed robbery in the area, and chased him, causing Mr. Brooks to lose control of his dirt bike and slam into a tree. Brooks died at the scene.

MPD is not powerless in pursuing individuals riding these vehicles. Currently, law enforcement can follow these vehicles by bicycle, and they are able to take pictures of riders and then attempt to identify them and apply for a warrant. One key issue that comes with this method is that it leaves many individuals open to being wrongfully accused or falsely arrested for reckless driving.

The Penalties for Reckless Driving

Reckless driving is typically a misdemeanor crime. However, the conviction of reckless driving carries penalties and punishments which can be severe including a misdemeanor criminal record and any one or more of the following:

  • Suspension of your driver’s license
  • A fine
  • Time in jail
  • Deportation
  • Revocation of parole

Have You Been Accused of Driving Recklessly?

Individuals from across this country are accused of reckless driving when this has not been the case. Running a red light, for example, or even speeding, is not sufficient proof to convict an individual of reckless driving.

Our team of Washington D.C. criminal defense attorneys at Lotze Mosely, LLP have prevented the conviction of many accused of a variety of driving infractions. From reckless driving to DUIs, to fleeing from law enforcement, we have the experience necessary to defend against these traffic charges.

If you have been charged with reckless driving, we invite you to call us today at (202) 393-0535.

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