Consult an Attorney When Charged with a Sex Crime

Sex crimes are serious, and they span a wide variety of allegations including rape, sexual assault, molestation of a minor, and child pornography. Being accused of a sex crime can be devastating to your life as it can severely impact your ability to get a job, your relationship with your family and other loved ones, and your position in society.

Crossing State Borders: The Internet

Where the alleged incidents occur can impact how they are handled under the law. For instance, last month, a registered sex offender was sentenced to 35 years in prison for transporting and possessing child pornography. While the defendant is a resident of Colorado, he admitted to transmitting the pornography over the internet – or over state lines – which made his crime a federal one. Thus, it was handled by federal officials in Washington D.C.

Teachers Accused

In a different scenario, earlier this month, a report surfaced accusing two California teachers of having sex with high school students at an Orange County beach party where alcohol was present.

The teachers, who were in their 30s, allegedly provided the students with alcohol. It is also alleged that one of the teachers engaged in sexual acts with an underage student. The other teacher present at the party allegedly had sex with a student over the age of 18, thus she is not being charged with a sex crime. This same teacher, however, is also accused of having sexual relations with another student at a party in November of last year.

Both teachers were arraigned earlier this month. They will await trial while consulting with their criminal defense attorneys on their charges, potential defenses, and the best course of action for each of their cases.

Why you need an attorney if you’ve been accused of a sex crime

If you have been accused of or charged with, sexual assault, it is imperative to consult an experienced criminal defense attorney. At Lotze Mosley, our attorneys have defended sex crimes for many years, and we have secured favorable jury verdicts, sentences, and plea deals for our clients.

Our Washington D.C. sex crimes attorneys work tirelessly to ensure that the rights of our clients are upheld. Being accused of a sex crime should not be taken lightly, and we will exhaust all avenues to present your case in a way that will deliver you the best outcome.

Our professional and experienced legal team at Lotze Mosley will do whatever we can to get your life back on track.

We offer an initial consultation. To arrange yours, please call our office at (202) 393-0535.

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