Can I Clear a Bench Warrant Without Going to Jail in Washington D.C. or Maryland?

At Lotze Mosley, LLP, our criminal defense attorneys in Washington D.C. and Maryland have talked in the past about the different types of warrants that can be issued by the court for varying reasons and circumstances.

Of the varying types, a bench warrant is one of the most common. If you have been issued a bench warrant, it typically means you disobeyed a court order, either by choice or mistakenly, and the legal paperwork was filed as an order to bring you back in front of the judge to answer for that oversight.

What are the Most Common Reasons a Bench Warrant is Issues in Maryland or Washington D.C.?

Before a bench warrant may be issued against you, there must have been a previous criminal complaint or order that was ignored by the defendant — the person the bench warrant was issued for.

Some of the most common reasons a bench warrant is issued in Maryland and Washington D.C. include failures to:

  • Appear in court
  • Follow a court order to vacate a property
  • Obey terms of probation
  • Pay a court-ordered fine
  • Pay a traffic citation
  • Pay court-ordered child or spousal support
  • Report for trial as a juror, witness, or defendant

If you believe, or know, that a bench warrant was issued for your arrest in Maryland or Washington D.C., contact our Washington, DC criminal defense attorneys today to learn more about your rights and best options to navigate the next steps of the legal process.

How are Bench Warrants Executed in Washington D.C. or Maryland?

Typically, bench warrants are less invasive than arrest warrants, which means they will be enforced when you least expect it — instead of law enforcement officials coming to your home and arresting you outright.

Bench warrants appear during law enforcement background checks, so if you are stopped for speeding or disobeying a traffic sign or signal, the police officer who stopped you will be made aware there is a bench warrant for your arrest when he or she runs your license.

At which point, you will be arrested.

How Do I Get in Front of a Bench Warrant Without Going to Jail?

There are two types of bench warrants, an Alias and a Capias warrant.

An Alias Warrant is issued when you fail to contact or appear in court.

A Capias Warrant is issued when you do not follow through with a sentence that was executed by a judge.

If you know a bench warrant has been issued in your name, contact our criminal defense attorneys immediately.

Each person’s circumstances are different and avoiding jail may or may not be an option depending on why the bench warrant was issued.

When you contact our Washington, DC criminal defense attorneys, we have the appropriate resources to determine the amount of your bail bond, when applicable, or we will outline the details of the warrant, so you know what to expect when you report. With an attorney by your side throughout the process, your rights will be protected from start to finish as we represent your best interests.

Call Us For A Free Consultation

If you know or believe a bench warrant has been issued for your arrest contact our experienced criminal defense attorneys in Washington D.C. and Maryland at Lotze Mosley LLP today by calling (202) 393-0535 to discuss your case.


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