ACLU Sues Metropolitan Police Department for Warrantless Search of Home

In March, our Lotze Mosley, LLP criminal defense attorneys wrote about how the Fourth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution protects us from illegal search and seizure procedures. And just this week, the news of these allegations has landed squarely in our Washington D.C. community and is making national headlines.

The Washington, D.C. chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union is suing the Metropolitan Police Department for searching a resident’s property without a warrant. To further confuse the issue of violating the family’s Fourth Amendment rights, this search was conducted while the police department is in the middle of a legal battle over the same homeowner’s son’s death.

How Did The Police Enforce Their Search of the Woman’s D.C. Home?

The homeowner is a woman who is suing the MPD over the death of her son who was killed on a dirt bike in a police-involved crash. The accident allegedly occurred when officers violated police procedures by swerving into the bike’s rider the homeowner’s son to stop him from riding a vehicle that was not street legal.

The ACLU issued a press release stating they sued one of the same officers who was involved in the crash, along with the city, for violating the Fourth Amendment during the search.

The lawsuit stems from the search of the woman’s property, where two officers conducted a questionable search by telling the family they were looking for a gun that was dumped in the area.

When the officers were asked for a warrant to search the premises, they were unable to produce one. The family alleged the search was an intimidation tactic used by law enforcement to interrupt the lawsuit they have against the department.

How Can Lotze Mosley, LLP Protect Me From Rights Violations?

As this legal battle wages on, and the ACLU continues its pursuit of civil liberties protections for our residents, so will our criminal defense attorneys at Lotze Mosley, LLP. Each day, we pride ourselves in defending those whose rights are violated by law enforcement officials throughout Washington D.C. and the State of Maryland.

These violations can include more than illegal searches, and our dedicated attorneys are committed to pursuing the legal results our clients need to move forward with their lives while entrusting the laws that were designed to protect them not harm them.

If you believe your rights have been violated at any time during a stop, search, arrest, or post-arrest interview, contact our Washington D.C. criminal defense lawyers at Lotze Mosley, LLP today by calling (202) 393-0535 to learn how we can protect you going forward.

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